I’m an IT consultant. I work mostly with Email and security.
I’d like to think I’ve seen it all.
It’s unreal how many people are fooled by scams.
And it’s crazy how many people are suckered into paying the scammer.
This post is about one of the scams I’m seeing more frequently.
For some reason, this one seems to cause an absolute panic in the person that receives it.
Here is a recent message I received from a customer:
“The server has been hijacked, at least that’s the message we got and the hijacker is asking for a ransom to be paid in bitcoins.”
And here is another more frantic one:
“I just got a ransom demand from someone who hacked xxxxx.xxx email.
I will need to have security scrub my email and laptop.
Please text me any communications until further notice.
The demand is attached for your information.”
Hey, can we all just keep calm for a minute?
The server isn’t hacked.
It was never hacked.
And guess what, your email account probably wasn’t hacked either.
I take it personally when a customer says that my server has been hacked.
That’s a serious accusation and the implications are massive.
So naturally, I will investigate, look for clues, and prove it one way or the other.
In every case that I’ve investigated, I’ve been able to prove that it’s all bullshit.
Here’s one of the Messages
And Here’s where I debunk this message and call B.S. on everything that is said
And here are some other things to consider in general.
So what should you do? How do you protect yourself?
Let’s say you get an email like the one above.
You know it’s probably phony.
But what if they have your password?
What can you do to make sure you’re safe?
Here are some quick tips to protect yourself regardless of the situation.